The world's scariest artworks!

What to watch...
'The Scream' by Edvard Munch is one of the most famous paintings ever made. Did you know that the iconic facial expression of the figure in the painting was the inspiration for 'Ghostface' from the Scream movie franchise? Perhaps this painting is so famous because it represents Munch's own fears. He recalls how "I was walking down the road with two friends when the sun set; suddenly, the sky turned as red as blood...Then I heard the enormous, infinite scream of nature." Discover the true meaning behind this work and learn from young presenter Skai, now...
Did You Know?
Francisco Goya created a series of artworks towards the end of his life now known as the 'Black Paintings' These 14 paintings were not actually commissioned by anyone and were originally painted as murals in Goya's own home in Madrid. We can see why they were not meant to be seen by other people! 'Saturn Devouring his Son' (pictured) is the most famous, and haunting of all the paintings, giving us a sense of Goya's anxiety and his acute fear of insanity at this time. These fears stemmed from his involvement in the Peninsular War; you can watch our film on Goya's paintings from this time by clicking the link below.